Common Myths About Masturbation

We have all heard (and maybe even believed) the old wives’ tales regarding masturbation. Some people say too much of it causes hairy palms, infertility, and the most ridiculous of all - blindness!

Top 10 Benefits Of Masturbation

Now that Masturbation May is here it’s time we talk about masturbation and all the amazing benefits! When most people think of masturbation they often think of orgasms. The big “O” is a great reason...

RumboTech™ Redefining Excellence In Engineering

Vibrating sex toys are all the rage in the sex toy industry. Vibration technology in a sex toy can turn an average experience into an extraordinary one. The difference between an average and an extraordinary experience...

Empower Your Womanhood With Kegel Training

For women, pelvic muscles are incredibly important to maintain, and there are so many benefits to keeping our pelvic floor strong! Strengthening our kegel muscles helps support urinary health, can provide better orgasms, and improves...